Our Office Will Be Closed April 11th and April 12th. Sorry For Any Inconvenience.

  • Emergency Dentistry

    • Can you just walk into the dentist’s office for an emergency?

      No, our dentist's office doesn’t offer walk-in emergency visits, but we can schedule a same-day appointment with an emergency dentist if believe you’re experiencing a dental emergency. Should your emergency happen outside of normal office hours, we have 24-hour emergency numbers listed on our answering machine that will point you in the right direction.

      To find out more information, give us a call today!

    • How to remove an object stuck between teeth?

      Routine dental cleaning including brushing and flossing is the best way to remove objects like popcorn kernels and sticky candies from between the teeth. However, if that fails to dislodge the debris, contact an emergency dentist at Loudoun Smile Center to prevent irreversible damage or infection.

    • How to relieve a toothache?

      When you’re suffering from a toothache, finding relief is priority one. Start by scheduling an appointment at a dentist office, then try a few at home remedies to get short-term relief. One of the best things you can do is rinse your mouth out with warm saltwater, but make sure not to swallow. You can also gently floss around the sore tooth to remove any food particles. Over-the-counter painkillers can help, as can applying a cold compress or ice to the affected area.

      Sometimes, toothaches are more than just that. Here are some signs that your toothache may require emergency dental care:

      • Dental pain that is not alleviated with over-the-counter medication
      • Significant bleeding from the mouth
      • Swelling of the jaw or face
      • Severe tooth pain more than 2 days after a tooth extraction
      • High fever or chills
      • Jaw pain, difficulty biting, or a popping sensation when you chew
    • What should I do for a knocked-out tooth?

      Teeth knocked out due to injury or accident are not necessarily gone for good if you act quickly. Pick up the tooth by the crown (not the root) and rinse it off with water. Reposition the tooth in the socket, if possible, and hold it in place by gently biting down. If the tooth can’t be replaced in the socket, put it in milk or in your mouth next to your cheek. Contact an emergency dentist right away. If you can be seen at the dental clinic within 30 minutes of the injury, an emergency dentist may be able to save the tooth.

    • What if I have a broken or chipped tooth?

      If you chip, fracture, or break one of your teeth, contact Loudoun Smile Center during normal office hours and schedule an appointment. Our dental clinic can often repair chipped or broken teeth in one dental visit.

      In the meantime, rinse your mouth with salt water (1/2 teaspoon salt to 8 ounces water), take an over-the-counter painkiller if the tooth is painful, and avoid biting down on the broken tooth. If the break has created a sharp or jagged edge, cover it with a piece of wax paraffin or sugarless chewing gum to protect your tongue or the inside of your cheek/lip.

  • Dental Hygiene

    • How do I know if I need an emergency dentist?

      We are aware that not all dental issues occur during normal business hours, which is why Loudoun Smile Center is proud to offer emergency dental services in Ashburn, VA. Be aware of what constitutes a dental emergency and what kind of issues can wait. We will schedule appointments on short notice for many pains and ailments that may not be considered emergencies, such as minor toothaches, lost fillings, and small chips in your teeth that are not accompanied by pain. However, visit our dental clinic immediately for any of the following dental emergencies:

      • Avulsed tooth, or a tooth that has been knocked out of your mouth
      • Cracked or chipped tooth with severe pain and swelling
      • Abscessed tooth

      For more information, call Loudoun Smile Center today!

    • What should I do before a teeth cleaning appointment?

      Before visiting our clinic for a dental cleaning in Ashburn, VA, be sure that you thoroughly brush and floss your teeth. That will help us do our job and provide effective teeth cleaning for any stubborn stains or plaque. Additionally, make an effort to arrive early so that you have plenty of time to complete any necessary paperwork and discuss any concerns with our office staff before seeing your dentist.

    • What is the best way to whiten my teeth?

      Visit our dentist office in Ashburn, VA for your teeth whitening needs. Our professional staff of general dentists will treat you with care and restore the pearly tint to your teeth. We will use dental-safe bleach to remove stains and leave your teeth looking whiter. Your dentist will also be able to suggest some methods and products for teeth whitening that you can adopt on your own, such as do-it-yourself remedies, toothpaste, and strips. Check out our blog for A Dentist’s Take on Using Activated Charcoal for a Whiter Smile.

    • Why do I need a dental exam?

      A dental exam is necessary to uncover issues that a dentist may miss during a typical dental cleaning. Your general dentist at Ashburn’s Loudoun Smile Center will take x-rays to detect any cavities in hard-to-spot areas, such as between your teeth or around an old filling. We will also check for any signs of gum disease, oral cancer, or other health concerns related to your tongue and mouth. Early diagnosis of any issues will significantly aid the treatment process.

    • Is flossing essential to my oral hygiene?

      It is important for you to floss once per day as part of a healthy oral healthcare routine. Dental floss will help disrupt the plaque and bacteria between your teeth and reach places in your mouth that your toothbrush may not. If left alone, bacteria are prone to causing cavities and gum disease.

    • What type of toothbrush should I use?
      There is a wide range of toothbrushes on the market, with varying handles, shapes, bristle styles, and colors. Be sure to use a toothbrush that has been approved by the American Dental Association. Beyond that, much of the decision should be based on comfort and your ability to reach all of your teeth effectively. Many dentists suggest a soft-bristled brush is ideal for removing plaque. Furthermore, a toothbrush with a small head may help you reach the teeth in the back of your mouth. If you have limited manual dexterity and it is difficult to brush your teeth, consider a powered toothbrush. You may also check out our blog on what toothpastes we recommend.
    • How often should I change my toothbrush?
      As a typical rule of thumb, we suggest that you change your toothbrush every three months. However, you should consider replacing it sooner if you have been ill or if it is stored close to family members’ toothbrushes. If your sense of time is skewed, use the eye test. Frayed bristles reduce your toothbrush’s ability to clean your teeth thoroughly, so swap it when wear is evident.
    • How often should i see a general dentist?
      If you are an adult with good oral hygiene and typically no issues during checkups, we suggest that you visit your general dentist at Loudoun Smile Center once every six months. Our friendly staff will make sure your teeth are free of cavities and perform a thorough dental cleaning. You may need to visit our dental clinic in Ashburn, VA more frequently if you smoke, have oral health issues, or have other medical problems that may affect your teeth and gums. Children should visit us as soon as their first tooth comes in and once every six months thereafter to protect against cavities and other problems.
    • What causes tooth decay and cavities?

      Tooth decay, or cavities, involves damage to the structure of your tooth as a result of acids that are created in your mouth when plaque bacteria break down sugars. Cavities can also occur when carbohydrates become trapped between your teeth. However, the major causes of cavities are sweet, sticky foods and drinks. Increased sugar intake leads to increased acid, which promotes decay. Check out our blog about protecting your teeth from sugar if you have a constant sweet tooth. Factors leading to tooth decay include:

      • Poor oral hygiene
      • Poor eating habits
      • Plaque formation
      • Dry mouth
  • Emergency Dentistry

    • What constitutes a dental emergency?

      Dental problems don’t always happen during normal office hours, and not all dental conditions warrant emergency dental care. Take a look below to see if your condition requires a visit with an emergency dentist or if you should schedule an appointment at our dental clinic.

      Emergency dentistry is required for:

      • Extreme dental pain
      • Injury or trauma to the mouth
      • Tooth loss caused by an accident or trauma
      • Significant bleeding that won’t stop
      • Swelling that affects the eye or throat

      See a dentist within 24 hours:

      • Cracked or fractured tooth
      • Tooth infection or abscess
      • Severe pain, swelling, or bleeding that occurs soon after a recent dental procedure
      • A dental appliance is preventing you from opening/closing your mouth or is causing severe pain
      • A tooth has been knocked out of alignment

      Get treatment within 24-72 hours:

      • Loose/lost dental filling, crown, or dental veneers
      • Loose/detached orthodontic appliances or dental implants
      • Chipped tooth
      • Significant impact to the teeth, even if no pain is present

      If you believe you’re experiencing a dental emergency, contact Loudoun Smile Center right away!

  • Dental Hygiene

    • What are the most common oral health problems?

      Oral health problems can affect your teeth, gums, and the oral-facial system that permits you to smile, speak and chew. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the three most prevalent oral health diseases are:

      • Tooth decay – Another way to describe cavities, tooth decay is characterized by a breakdown of tooth enamel, specifically along the gum line and on the chewing surfaces of your teeth.
      • Gum disease – Otherwise known as periodontal disease, this disorder results in swelling and infections of your gums and the bone that supports your teeth.
      • Oral cancer – The CDC noted that there were nearly 40,000 new cases of oral cancer in the U.S. in 2012.